No, I don't use mending. Here's my build. Could use some improvements I guess, but it's the best I've found:
Strength : 10
Swordmanship : 12
Tactics : 10
Smiting Prayers : 8
Dragon Slash
Galrath (Silverwing) Slash
Sever Artery
Heal Sig
Watchful Spirit
Scourge Healing / Smite Hex
Personally, I find Scourge more useful than Smite Hex.
Watchful sprint through Reed Bog, then through the first part of the Falls. Be careful in the Falls, because the Redwood's like using Debilitating Shot and Primal Echoes, so you might find yourself unable to use Sprint or Heal Sig. There are safe places to stand, however, and with the right equipment set you should only have to worry about the degen.
Around the areas with the Behemoths, there are 3 types of mobs. never engage more than one mob.
The Skales are the easiest, just wack them whilst heal sig-ing your health back. They can Strip Watchful, but that's not a problem at all.
The Wind Riders are the hardest. With Cry they can stop any of your skills, and they can shatter Watchful with ease. Move in, hit one hard and fast, then sprint away and heal sig. Repeat until there's only 2 left. At this point, the recharge on Cry comes into play, and you can get in enough heal sigs to warrant staying in there fighting them. There are a few mobs with bosses. Stop your farming at these points, as I can't seem to be able to beat any of the bosses, especially the mesmer boss.
Finally, the Behemoth/Life pod mobs. Start on the life pods, because they can be very annoying. Slap on Scourge for starters, then just hit them until they can't out-heal your damage. Sever->Gash will need to be reapplied often, as they can heal conditions. Against the behemoths, things are very easy indeed. Just smack them until they die. Don't use Gash on them, as this will allow them to use I Will Survive and thus gain +3 regen (bleeding cancels on it), ofc, gash certainly makes an excellent finishing attack.
As long as you're careful, this can be a quick and easy trip. One thing I have found is the areas that make for good farming form a sort of U shape, with large Wind Rider mobs blocking the full loop. There are behemoths in the remaining area, but killing Wind Riders takes far too long, and it's quicker to just start anew.
So far, I've made about 7 runs, each netting somewhere between 0 and 4 Axes each. Sadly, I didn't realize the worth of the axes (I thought this farming was common knowledge), nor did I check value. Been selling axes for about 4K each, and thinking it was a good deal...